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Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Here, some advice.

بِسْــــــــــــــــــمِ اﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ اارَّحِيم

Kaifahalukum :)

Malam ni nak cakap sikit pasal study, effort.

So ya.

Memang ada orang yang bila tidur dalam kelas pun boleh pandai bangun bangun jawab soalan cikgu.
Memang ada orang yang tak payah kerja pun semua benda dia ada sebab bapak dia kaya.
Memang ada orang tak payah susah susah sebab dia pandai ini pandai itu.

Tapi di sebalik semua itu, it still takes struggle kan. Dan paham kan ? Allah itu adil. Tu rezeki dia. That's it. Tak payah pertikaikan apa apa. "Dia genius boleh aaa." Well. Why you want to give up and stop fighting for what you want because everyone else has it.
Kadang kadang kita tak tahu what it takes from that person untuk dapat what they want.
If kita nak pandai gak, belajar aa. Kalau kita nak duit lebih, use whatever you have untuk berbisnes walau gula-gula sekalipun. If you want to be happy, learn to be happy.

Fight for what you want. Dan kalau tak sedar, that's what Allah wants us to do. Fight for it. To makesure kite deserve it. And it is really worthy.
You know that moment bila kita dah 3 hari 3 malam tak tidur sebab nak siapkan assignment to makesure its perfect, well at least almost.
Dan lecturer happy with our work, dan perasaan bila lecturer kata good job. Yes that feeling.

Atau bila kita berbisnes untuk cari duit poket.
Dan bila kita dapat untung plus customer bagi feedback best dan kita happy sebab they are happy. That satisfaction punya perasaan ? Yes. That one.
Tuhan bagi bonus.
Dan ingat, if you've fought habis habisan and things don't turn out macam apa kita nak. Jangan give up. Jangan meroyan. It happens.

Tapi sebab Allah tahu. Kita deserve something bigger sebab paling best bila saat dah jatuh tergolek rasa hidup gelap dan kita tetap move on dan cari nur. Cari light.
Bila jumpa, itu perasaan paling, "Allah maha Besa. Terima kasih ya Allah."

If you cannot get it easily because you finds it difficult then use the difficult way to find out how to make it easy for you to get it.
 Credit to :- Dena Bahrin.

** Maaf gua memang tak pandai nak menulis, yang gua pandai share kata-kata inspired. Hee maafkanlah kekhilafan hamba ini :D

Monday, May 12, 2014

Just a lil bit reminder ;)

بِسْــــــــــــــــــمِ اﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ اارَّحِيم

That's what I'm talking about the differences between love and lust.
There are things that we enjoy so much and we feel that it's best for us.
But we forget, the ones that we thought blessings are sometimes can be turned into the ones that pull us away from Allah. Worse is, we might have realized it but we deny. We deny by trying to find any possible excuse to make it look good to you.

That's when we really need to muhasabah ourselves and sometimes Allah takes away things/person we love for a while to test us . To be closer again to HIM. Allah is sooo sweet that HE really loves it when we find time to spend for him, alone. :') We might have learnt from our past, blessings can make us closer to Allah and also can be the reason we get further from Allah. Bila dapat, bersyukur. Kalau terlupa, tampar diri sendiri, "Kau dah kenapa, tak reti bersyukur ?" Therefore, boleh jadi yang kita suka itu bukan la blessings buat kita. Dan yang kita benci itu mungkin itulah rahmat yang kita perlu.
Ingat, people and things that bring us closer to Allah are the only ones that we can peacefully say, "it's a real blessing" or if the blessing Allah has given us take our concern away from akhirah and the almighty, afraid it might the reason of our worry and depression of life.

Allah al musta'an. Hmm it happens, we call it as a blessing while the truth is it makes us forget the one, the ALMIGHTY who created it. Who make it possible. Who has actually made it, exist.

And it may be that you dislike a thing which is good for you and that you like a thing which is bad for you. Allah knows but you do not know - (Al-Baqarah, verse 216)

Credit to :- Dena Bahrin